Thursday, March 27, 2008

Operation Kenney Move Complete!

Last week I talked about going on the mystery trip which was great! When I finally got home Saturday night operation “Kenney move” came in full effect. When we got home we had exactly 48 hours until we were supposed to move. On Monday morning of this week the movers came to the house and few hours later we were Norman residents! How weird is that! We have lived in Edmond for almost 12 years so it’s really weird to be in a different town. The move was really stressful but I must say it could have been a lot worse! Having movers do it was money well spent! The boys our adjusting I just think my eldest son will be telling his therapist someday about how his youth minister dad wrecked his life! Oh well what can you do except try to do your best. Great news on the other house in Edmond it sold last night! God really does answer prayers!!! I look back on my life and God has taken care of me and my family in so many ways I almost feel silly saying that I was really worried about this house thing! Last thing for the week I have two girls in my youth group (Hil, Erica) they made me so proud in what they wrote on their blog the other day! It’s teens like these two girls that make me proud to be the youth minister for the Summit (our youth group name)! Have a great week everyone!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ok we just got back from our mystery trip with the youth group. We went to Dallas when to the Great Wolf Lodge, Six Flags, and to a Toby Mac, Jeremy Camp concert. It was a daddy trip! Here are my top 10 highlights!

10. The look on Erica’s face on the Tornado (just the best water slide in the world)
9. The look on Mitzi’s face when she got off the tornado
8. Donavan screaming at me on his cell that he was lost at six flags; only to walk around the corner and see that he was 50ft away from me
7. Allowing my true inter-gangsta to show at the Toby Mac concert
6. Ellen taking pictures of Becca sleeping and then charging Becca $5 to have them deleted
5. ZT locking all of his and Josh stuff in the room safe and then forgetting the combo
4. ZT trying to stay up all night to remember the combo
3. Josh trying to convince ZT that they were going to have to blow up the safe
2. Donavan dancing to Toby Mac
1. Getting a chance to get to know this youth group that I am beginning to fall in love with!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Yard Sale People Are Nuts!

Ok, so we are one week away from moving to Norman! Still haven’t sold our house here in Edmond so there is still a little anxiety here. I know what I am about ready to say may offend some people and if that is the case I apologize now. Yard sale people are nuts! Am I crazy I just don’t get it? My wife decides we need have one of these white trash gatherings at our home since we are moving! I have seen some of the oddest people in my life in my yard the past two days. Any other time I would call the cops, but no they are here to see how much of my junk that can take home for 25 cents! Here is what I have seen. There were people waiting for an hour yesterday before the yard sale started just so the could get the “good deal” ok come on how could it be a good deal because lets be real you don’t buy it I throw it in the trash! I had people banging on my front door at 6:30 AM this morning wanting to know when we open! For those of you who know me I you know don’t do well with those I love at 6:30 AM much less some guy with no front teeth and a smoke in his mouth. Then last night I watch some lady argue with Amanda because she wanted something for 10 cents and Amanda was trying to sell it for 25 cents. Are you kidding me!! So here is what I want to know where do these people come from? I mean Edmond is rich town. It’s like we hide Ma and Pa who think going to the “store” is the yard sale! Then on Saturday morning all the freak shows come out! Do these people have a life! Anyway that’s my rant for the week. I am sure some of you are huge yard sale fans, and if you are well I just hope you don’t bang on someone’s door at 6:30, have all your teeth, and are willing to pay 25 cents. Have a great week!

Friday, March 7, 2008


For those of you who don’t know me very well I am little bit of a control freak. I think this week I have learned I really don’t have control over anything. I have been sick all week like the type of sick where there were a couple of times that I thought that was it I wouldn’t be on this world any longer. Ok maybe not that bad but I am a wimp when it comes to being sick. Last week we thought our house was sold this week we find out it’s not, and as of March 24th I am the proud owner of two homes one in Norman and one in Edmond CRAP!! Also I thought I was going to get the opportunity to be apart of a family members funeral this next week. As a minister those are the things you really feel like you can help your family with funerals and weddings. It’s kind of like a doctor you don’t want your family to come to your office everyday but if you can help them with a medical problem here and there that’s great. Well I thought I would get that chance but thanks to one very controlling family member that isn’t happing. Anyway all that and the stress of searching for a new teammate at work have really made me stop and think what do I have control over? The answer for me is a little hard to take the answer is very little. Of course I have control over how I treat people, how hard I work, and what makes me happy, sad, or stressed but really when it come right down to it I believe that God is in control and if that is the case I need to fellow this verse a little more often. “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalms 46:10. For me it’s all about trust if I really trust that God it God then I need to trust that he is in control not me!