Sunday, May 18, 2008


Ok I need all of my loyal readers help. I know that there is only like 3 of you that read this but if you do I need your input. I have been a survivor fan since the show started. My wife has told me for years I should apply. So I finally decided to do it! I feel like if I can get an interview I can get it. I mean if you know me you would know that I would be the best personality they have ever had! Hey don’t laugh the only thing I got is personality I am not going to get it because I am the eye candy! To get an interview I need a good video! So I need ideas fire them out there all 3 of you!


Michelle said...

You need to talk to Amanda Canada. She was almost on the show. She had interviews with the Survivor people and everything.

OutsidersIn said...

All you need to do is have them follow you around for a day and I'm sure that would be sufficient. Maybe have another garage sale and have the video go through random stuff you had, or maybe revisit McPherson.

Pam said...

Seriously. Post something new! :)